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2 votes
1 answer

Why are the south, the west and the north of the Caspian sea lush but its east completely dry?

About the Caspian sea area today: The south is very lush with the subtropical forests of the Iranian provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan (although less "tropical" in Golestan) The ...
4 votes
1 answer

How far would average sea level rise from a 25% increase in total ocean volume?

What amount of average sea level rise (in meters above 2020 levels) would be associated with a 25% increase in total ocean volume? The reason I ask is because of this study that indicates Earth has ...
6 votes
1 answer

What Caused The Sea Levels to Drop During the Maastrichtian Epoch?

Anyone who has studied ice ages would know that during the last two-and-a-half million years of Earth's history, there have been periods where there was enough ice to suck up a lot of water. As a ...
3 votes
1 answer

What was the percentage of land mass in prehistoric times when temperatures were high enough that we had no ice caps?

I grew curious after watching a presentation about the large creatures of prehistoric times. One of the theories cited about why creatures were so big was the increased oxygen in the atmosphere due to ...
  • 131
2 votes
2 answers

Was the Earth's sea-level significantly lower in ancient times?

A lot of times, ancient artifacts or even whole ancient civilizations are found buried very deep into the ground surface of the earth. Entire civilizations that had high buildings have been found ...
  • 189
1 vote
1 answer

Approximation of ancient landmasses using current ocean floor data

I am wondering how accurate such an approximation would be. I wish to take a current height map of the earth (including the ocean floor) and approximate the form of ancient landmasses by changing the ...
  • 31
7 votes
2 answers

Have there ever been any islands that disappeared due to rising sea level?

With global warming comes rising sea levels. This has been going on for at least fifty years. So haven't there been some islands that have been swallowed by now? An island could be nothing more than ...
  • 2,073
7 votes
0 answers

How much does ocean cover percentage change between glacial periods? [duplicate]

Currently, oceans cover about 71% of the total area of Earth. Ice ages can cause this figure to fluctuate, by lowering the sea level and creating land bridges and other features. How much can this ...
  • 1,813
18 votes
2 answers

Historically, how has the fraction of Earth covered by water changed?

Today, 70.8% of the Earth is covered in water (± a few tenths of a percent depending on how you account for lakes).1 How has this figure changed over the history of the Earth, and why? Of course, if ...
  • 1,875
