你可能想稳定状态的描述,如下类似Trenberth图所示。这些是稳态能量_flows_的描述,而不是能源_stores_系统已经积累能量的各种组件及其状态(如温度)已经调整,以消除不平衡在能量流系统。即使在平衡能量继续流过整个系统,从太阳平衡输入输出系统边界热发射到太空。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1]由NASA - https://web.archive.org/web/20140421050855/http: / / science-edu.larc.nasa.gov energy_budget /引用勒布et al ., 2009年j .爬,2009年BAMS Trenberth et al,公共领域,https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid = 32285340如果我们改变一下系统,例如增加大气中的二氧化碳,和重新计算的能量流,我们会发现这些流动不再平衡。每个组件有一个净收益或损失的能量。在这一点上我们可以re-diagnose州(如大气和地表温度),将使这个系统恢复平衡。注意没有组件的时间在这个描述,这是诊断系统的初始状态和最终状态响应给定的变化。 Under this model we don’t need to know the details of what the surface is made of, we’re just describing it as something that radiates like a black body with a particular emissivity. But if we want to know how the system transitions between those two balance states then, yes, we will need to know the heat capacities of the various components. Components with larger heat capacities will take longer to transition and accumulate more energy for a given level of energy imbalance than components with smaller heat capacities. > Why is this point never mentioned in the theory? It seems to have been completely ignored. Just taking one example climate model land surface scheme, http://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-4-677-2011, the surface heat capacity it literally the first term of the first equation in that paper. > Where does the extra energy come from? It cannot be created to suit. It can only come from the energy absorbed by the extra CO2 Ah no, this maybe where your confusion lies. The energy comes from the sun, which is a continual external input of energy to the Earth system. An increase in greenhouse gas concentration causes some of that energy to accumulate in the system, changing the system state, until the state has changed to the point that input and output are back in balance. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/dKD3g.jpg