轨道参数之间的联系和CO 2 <子> < /订阅>水平,当你写道,温度。可能会改变轨道参数,通过反馈机制、大气温度。据我所知最重要的反馈机制对Milankovich周期是冰反射反馈。然而,温度是一个重要的球员在地球化学反馈影响气体有限公司<子> 2的浓度< /订阅>或甲烷。2公司<子> < /订阅>,据我所知,你叫最重要的反馈;交换的CO 2 <子> < /订阅>大气和海洋之间。交换的CO 2 <子> < /订阅>海洋和大气之间依次取决于公司的分压2 <子> < /订阅>在大气和海洋的表层;有吸收,释放压力梯度。现在,公司的分压2 <子> < /订阅>表层还取决于数量的碳运输或接收来自深海的层。有更多的CO 2 <子> < /订阅>存储在深海的冷水。 So the exchange of CO2 does depend on the vertical circulation pattern of the ocean. There are, to my knowledge, three major mechanisms that transport carbon between the surface and the deep sea and they all depend on temperature. **Solubility pump:** Cold water can store more CO2 than warm water. Therefore at the poles, where cold water is sinking into the deep sea, you have CO2 rich water. The CO2 stored in the deep sea can, as far as I know, remain there for hundreds of years, before it comes up again in the warmer upwelling regions at the equator. The temperature dependence of that mechanism is obvious. **Biological pump**: In the surface layer you have photosynthesis of algeas etc., so carbon is withdrawn from the layer and stored in biomass. A portion of dead plants is not reused (eaten) but sinks into the deep sea. The process is temperature dependend since biological activity depends on temperature. **Carbonate pump**: The amount of carbonate and CO2 are linked to each other via marine chemistry. Animals building shells etc. need carbonate thereby also influencing the amount of CO2 present in the water. Again, a portion of this carbonate is withdrawn from the short term cycles once the animals die and sink to the deep sea. Again this mechanism is temperature dependend since biological activity is.