协会的第一部分,增加大气中温室气体水平将导致地球温度上升。[这][1]为什么会这样一些信息,如果你有兴趣。现在假设温度正在上升(他们是),有两种机制,将连接海平面上升,陆地上的冰层融化,冰和水的热膨胀#土地气候律师很快指出,如果浮冰融化,它并没有真正改变海洋的水平(多),因为浮冰取代体积等于一个等效质量的水。我们将在接下来的部分,从冰融化的温度变化,然后变暖将会导致一些变化。与此同时,还有约280万立方公里的冰锁在格陵兰岛的冰帽和2600万在南极洲。这两个表,如果完全融化会导致海平面上升7米和58米,分别。他们不会立即融化;虽然这个话题是有争议的,格陵兰岛可能需要一年完全融化。南极洲是更大、更冷、更隔绝的世界由于环极电流,温度波动,可能会花更长的时间来完全融化。#海水热膨胀的水的密度随温度的变化。 Using data from [this chart][2], the density of seawater (at 35000 ppm salinity) at 10 C is $1.0270 \frac{\text{g}}{\text{cm}^3}$ and at 15 C is at $1.0260 \frac{\text{g}}{\text{cm}^3}$. Therefore, there is an estimated $\frac{1.027-1.026}{5} = .001 \frac{\text{g}}{\text{cm}^3}$ change per degree C, or a $\frac{.001}{1.027} = .097 \% $ increase in volume for a one degree C increase in temperature from 10 C to 11 C. Not all the earth's ocean's are at 10 C, but using this as an estimator, the $1.35 \times10^9 \text{ km}^3$ will increase by $1.31 \times10^6 \text{ km}^3$ with a 1 C increase in temperature. If you divide that by the surface area of the ocean, 510 million $\text{ km}^2$, you get an approximately 2.5 meter increase in sea level. That calculation is not at all rigorous; deep ocean water is colder than 10 C and at lower temperatures thermal expansion is much less (just look at the linked chart to see), but it does demonstrate that there will be a detectable rise in sea level from thermal expansion of seawater as the planet heats up. [1]: //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/8516/are-we-changing-earths-weather-with-global-warming/8951#8951 [2]: http://www.unisense.com/files/PDF/Diverse/Seawater%20&%20Gases%20table.pdf