让我们首先考虑的场景没有自由基,可以作为催化剂的O_3美元毁灭。在这样的场景中,添加到没有紫外线辐射,光解的臭氧(O_3美元+紫外线→提取成分+ O)美元是不可能的。因此,破坏臭氧层的唯一途径是通过反应O_3 + O·2→提取成分美元但缺乏紫外线辐射也会停止生产原子氧通过光解作用,因此只有先前存在的原子氧将用于反应。然后,为简单起见我们可以考虑两种极端场景:1。所有的原子氧形式提取成分和臭氧水平保持不变美元在同一水平前关闭紫外线辐射。2。所有的原子氧用于破坏臭氧层在第二个场景中O_3将取决于美元的最终浓度的初始浓度和原子氧。但见下图,平流层的原子氧浓度远低于O_3美元之一,因此臭氧水平永远不会降至零。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1](图取自[这][2])现在我们考虑更现实的情况,还有其他的“polutants”,可以分解臭氧。 The moste common ones are hydroxyl radical (OH·), nitric oxide radical (NO·), chlorine radical (Cl·) and bromine radical (Br·) ([source][3]), and first two are the only ones naturally occurring. Therefore, the ozone remaining from our first scenario would be reduced to zero by reactions like: $OH + O_3 → {HO}_2 + O_2$ or ${NO}_2 + O_3 → {NO}_3 + O_2$ Among [others][2]. The exact time that will take will depend on the elevation, as the abundance of ozone as well as the radicals can vary orders of magnitude trough the stratosphere. It will also depend on the exact spectrum of your "sustitute Sun", as some of those reactions are also mediated by light and might not happen in the absence of light of the right wavelength. I know this answer might be disappointing, as it seem that a model would need to be run to really say how long it would take to destroy all stratospheric ozone. But still I thought would be an informative answer after 11 month without one. I hope, it motivate a better answer or the improvement of this one. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/L13sJ.png [2]: https://www.ems.psu.edu/~brune/m532/meteo532_ch7_stratospheric_chemistry.htm [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_depletion