农业用水主要是[化石水][1],花了成千上万年的积累和工业活动使用了一个世纪。沙特阿拉伯是[放弃计划种植小麦][2]实现自给自足,但耗尽沙漠王国的稀缺的水资源供应。从(6大出口国)[3]。人类水源来自山区径流、地下水或河流/湖泊池塘.........它必须来自源更快速雨再生是有用的。水渗透到地下。这需要几个月或几年........和蓄水层问题他们已经有10000年的积累。人工降雨再生,水可以在暴风雨后转移部分过滤,允许流量通过排水沟、涵洞、壕沟等流入保留盆地,它会渗透到挖井。威尼斯人使用这种技术作为城市威尼斯没有可靠的水位。水会通过致密层的沙子和通过一个水箱。这是几千年的水排水技术的顶峰。江南登录网址app下载 [![enter image description here][4]][4] Another is the recharge pit used to regenerate abandoned wells that have been drained by prolonged use. The well's main pipe is dug 10 feet down and several feet out, then the bottom foot of the pipe is drilled to permit water to flow into it. Wrapped in a mesh/protective layer so water can flow but debris and particles cannot. Then the first 3 feet are lined with large rocks/boulders then the next 3 feet lined with smaller rocks and cobble. This is to press against the pit to keep it's inner wall from collapsing in on itself. often the next layer is a permeable filter fabric filled with activated charcoal then lined with course sand and regular fine compacted sand. Redirected rainwater entering the pit will slowly filter into the layers then fill the well. This discharge allows water wells long abandoned to be refilled using the rainy monsoon seasons water to sustain agricultural activity in the hotter dry season. [![enter image description here][5]][5] [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_water [2]: https://www.world-grain.com/articles/6275-saudi-arabia-ends-domestic-wheat-production-program [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture_in_Saudi_Arabia [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/hKNt4.jpg [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ivc87.jpg