得到一本关于采掘冶金。一件事给我的印象是“原语”是非常复杂的。他们的技术也被许多人发江南登录网址app下载展了一代又一代。我认为从铜像古人那样将是一个好主意。Iron is much more common but steel requires about 2900 °F (1600 °C). Cast iron, only about 2200 °F (1200 °C), but you can only make brittle castings. To get from cast iron to steel requires a history of extractive metallurgy, time and work. Although the ore is very rare, tin/pewter would be much easier to handle . And if you have copper, then you have bronze. As for the scarcity of tin, keep in mind people from around the Mediterranean came to Cornwall for tin for thousands of years. Maybe just get some scrap steel , heat it up and play blacksmith; see if you can figure out how to heat-treat it. When reading this, I see I was not clear; Steel making is three difficult, laborious steps ; 1- make pig iron, 2- make it into steel, 3- heat-treat the steel to useful properties. The third step is not as difficult as the other two . For copper, you smelt it and you have copper ready to make into a useful shape.