[答案][1]从现代是1,7 ms的时间比一个世纪前。数据是取自维基百科,但采购(这本书)[2]。Asuming在地球自转减慢自寒武纪以来一直不断,而sideral年期间也一直不断,它可以用一个脚本计算:#常量yearsSinceCambrian = 541000000 slowDownSecondsDayEachYear = 0.000017 daysPerYearPresent = 365.25 secondsDayPresent = 86400 # Initiallizate变量daysSinceCambrianExplosion = 0 #计算每年的天数def sumYearDays(年):secondsDay = secondsDayPresent - slowDownSecondsDayEachYear * hoursDay = secondsDay / 3600年daysYear = daysPerYearPresent * 24 / hoursDay返回daysYear #和寒武纪大爆发的所有天0范围(0,yearsSinceCambrian):我的daysSinceCambrianExplosion + = sumYearDays (i) #和天零daysSinceYearZero = 737875年以来daysSinceCambrianExplosion + = daysSinceYearZero #打印结果打印(str (daysSinceCambrianExplosion) +“天大约因为生命爆炸。”)*输出* 208929424039.7131天大约因为生命爆炸。说2.09美元\ cdot 10 ^ {11} $。我知道月亮自寒武纪以来搬走了,所以我认为作为一个常数隔层。有一些额外的年不总结。我计算了天寒武纪的开始对我和脚本有406天。在这份出版物来自NASA][3] 5.1亿年前一年有424天。18天。我认为他们知道这是因为化石。 If you assume a linear behaviour (ocean basins changes due to tectonics not influencing) you can multiply the half of that for the years $9 * 541000000 = 4.9*10^9$. That would give a total of $2.14 \cdot 10^{11}$, but I can't be sure if the not sourced data I took from NASA exercise is exact. Geology use to be not very exact. I will say so [@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz calcs][4] are correct and approximately $2.1 \cdot 10^{11}$ days ago. The exact number of days can't be calculated, but there is not neither a exact known day when Phanerozoic started. There is a little probability it started a 1st january 541002020 years ago, as assumed in the script. [1]: https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/112339 [2]: https://books.google.es/books?id=fjFVW3-LGigC&redir_esc=y [3]: https://spacemath.gsfc.nasa.gov/earth/6Page58.pdf [4]: //www.hoelymoley.com/a/19418/18590