野火的数量和强度是全球变暖的直接结果,这不是什么新闻。根据[文章][1],引用了我找不到工作,直到2019年12月的中期澳大利亚火灾发出~ 2.5亿吨碳,澳大利亚~ 50%的年度生产。未来几十年的复苏是不可能的,因为生态系统已经妥协。“过于乐观”认为森林将再生,他们将“从不最终积累尽可能多的碳之前”。相反,大面积燃烧森林必须越来越被视为一个生物圈的组件,可以将从碳汇到源。这是(一个例子)[2](对不起paywalled,但抽象的有趣的点和同行评审)的北方森林火灾,火灾会导致从净积累几个触发事件净亏损,导致了一个积极的反馈。类似的过程预计亚马逊雨林火灾。问题:一个确切的答案似乎是困难的。它最终取决于气溶胶在大气中停留多久。效果可以(模仿)[3]:在这里,一个火气溶胶laiden大气的低6公里可以温暖,因为他们成为热量陷阱。 The trap is caused because aerosols have a stabilizing effect on the upper atmosphere. A forest fire's plume has a different composition than a volcanic eruption ! This [paper][4] describes a similar effect, the absorption of solar radiation by carbon can heat the atmosphere. I am aware that there may be other effects, inclduing atmospheric cooling, but i leave that part to somebody else. All in all, the negative effects of carbon release and the potential loss of regenerative abilities of the biosphere - because of [drought][5], erosion, loss of biodiversity and the ecosystem, soil sterilization, invasive organisms as well as the difficulties to respond in time because of the sheer area affected by fire (all depending on intensity, duration and area) - by far outweigh any cooling effects of wild fires. [1]: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/13/australias-bushfires-have-emitted-250m-tonnes-of-co2-almost-half-of-countrys-annual-emissions [2]: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1474-y [3]: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009GL038435 [4]: https://www.nature.com/articles/ngeo156 [5]: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ele.12889