《卫报》的文章(91年科学家发现南极冰盖火山下面)[3]突出了最近出版(爱丁堡大学地球科学学院)[4]发现和编目超过九十新火山在南极冰盖。*一个新的火山省:冰川下的火山在南极洲西部的库存* Maximillian van Wyk·德·弗里斯,罗伯特·g·宾厄姆和Andrew s .嗯,地质学会、伦敦、特殊的出版物,461年,2017年5月29日,https://doi.org/10.1144/SP461.7下面是图3的截图,包括裁剪分段。如果你在一个新窗口打开图您可以查看完整大小。在分段上面这个词有两个矩形锥。下面这些话有两个痕迹。如果我理解正确的话,较低的痕迹(由于缺乏更好的词汇)的地球表面,这些火山锥已确定。但是我相信上跟踪是一层的顶部(火山灰)[5]:。> * *火山灰* *是火山喷发产生的碎屑物质无论组成、片段大小或侵位机制。[1]>火山学家也指空中碎屑,即为* * * *。曾经碎屑已降至地面仍为火山碎屑,除非足够热熔合成火成碎屑岩或凝灰岩。我试着去了解可能发生的事情。 the two cones are of the order of 10 km apart, and they extend above and below sea level. Was there an eruption below the ice which acted as a buffer and contained the ejecta? With some melting, some water below the ice could help it to flow over time and redistribute more evenly between the cones. Or would these volcanos just blow the ice away completely for an extended period of time and Arctic Ocean currents could assist in the redistribution? [![enter image description here][1]][1] [![enter image description here][2]][2] Fig. 3. (*repeated here in case the original is not easily legible on your device*) The upper panel shows an echogram from NASA’s Icebridge mission (NSIDC 2014) that shows generally good agreement between a cone on the echogram and on the Bedmap2 data. The lower panel shows an echogram from Corr & Vaughan (2008) with basal topography picking out two cones; the dark layer above the bed is tephra believed to have erupted around 2000 years ago. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/g2AvM.png [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Pmq4B.jpg [3]: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/12/scientists-discover-91-volcanos-antarctica [4]: http://www.ed.ac.uk/geosciences [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tephra