* *估计水的浊度的一种方法在该领域是使用一个浊度管。到目前为止,我发现两个来源在哪里可以了解南大标记沿管的位置。PDF文件(浊度管:简单和精确测量浊度的领域][1]——最初由伊丽莎白Myre &瑞安·肖(密歇根科技)[2]是一个很好的介绍的概念,概述了如何构建一个浊度管从简单的材料和使用它,并提供一个表的数据,有以下描述:>(华盛顿大学扩展,2003)。多个表的目前使用稍微不同的转换。此表从备选方案中选择因为来源的可靠性和更保守的值比其他表。选择科学在澳大利亚销售专业(两件浊度管)[3]和[一个图像][4]([这][5])包括照片长度范围内,标记位置可以被估计。下面我做了一个粗略的阴谋,他们是明显不同的。这并不奇怪,因为有不同的意见和建设以及区别。有任何进一步的指导,我已经错过了吗?任何进一步的建议之前,我做一个,试一试? Of course I'll include a centimeter scale so that it can be converted later, but sooner or later I'll need to settle down and choose a conversion. **note:** I am most interested in the *higher turbidity* end of the scale, say above 50 NTU. This is not traditionally the turbidity tube's "best end", but it's where the two sources I've found diverge the most. ---- [![enter image description here][6]][6] **above:** plot of some estimates for position of NTU markings on a turbidity tube as a function of distance from the bottom in centimeters. The solid line is tabulated data in the [Michigan Tech PDF][1], the dashed line is estimated from the [Select Scientific photo][4]. Curves are from the equations below. Since they are power-law, they show as straight lines on the log-log plot on the right. $$NTU_{SelSci} \approx 1420 \times H_{cm}^{-1.259}$$ $$NTU_{MTech} \approx 4043 \times H_{cm}^{-1.511}$$ [1]: http://www.virginia.edu/blandy/blandy_web/education/Bay/TurbidityTubeConstruction&Use_Myre_Shaw.pdf [2]: http://www.mtu.edu/cee/ [3]: http://selectscientific.com.au/turbidity-tube.html [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/qXaPN.jpg [5]: http://selectscientific.com.au/media/catalog/product/cache/8/thumbnail/600x/17f82f742ffe127f42dca9de82fb58b1/t/u/turbidity-tube_1.jpg [6]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ij2Gl.png