这些出现的电磁干扰(EMI)。射线都集中在天气雷达的位置。由于天气雷达旋转和接收干扰他们解释这是一个天气返回他们的方向指向接收到的干扰信号。这些雷达没有额外的手段,确定信号的到达方向我们看到这些“轮辐”。The sources of this interference, which is EM radiation at the same wavelength of the radar, is typically from spillover from telecommunication equipment or other radars using in similar wavelengths. Similar patterns can be seen is this image: [![Uncorrected horizontal reflectivity Zh acquired by Bric della Croce radar in 2010][1]][1] This figure is from *[Survey on Electromagnetic Interference in Weather Radars in Northwestern Italy][2]*,a paper studying the impact of interference on weather radar. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/er9nI.png [2]: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3298/6/12/126/htm