大多数金矿最富饶的矿产长大的地方从灭绝地球更深处的岩浆火山轴和羽流。黄金是一种重金属,所以当首次形成和地球更热,现在许多的元素和化合物固体的热熔融的形式。在这个早期阶段是有道理的,重和密集的元素和化合物会沉没在地上更深和更轻的浮到表面。如果你把油倒入水,油密度较低,浮到表面。同样的原则适用。重力把密集的材料更接近地球的中心。这就是我们看到当我们做地震的具体性,和其他分析方法揭示地球的成分。硅原子的重量28,因此较轻的元素是在几乎所有的表面发现有大量的在地壳岩石和沙滩。当我们去更深层次的变化越来越重的元素组成。地球的核心主要是铁。 Since gold is even denser and heavier than iron it should be found in much more abundance relatively speaking at earth's core than at the surface. We must emphasize that gold is a rare element in the earth and the universe in general for the following reasons. 1. All elements other than Hydrogen and Helium and counting up in atomic number to iron are formed from the nuclear fusion in stars. All elements heavier the iron, gold among them, can only be formed in the supernova explosion that occurs at the end of a massive star's life. 2. Gold is not at any end of any radioactive decay chain from heavier unstable element radioactive isotopes. Uranium 238 will decay over billions of years into lead and some other elements but never into gold. So gold, platinum, and other similar elements are rare because they are only formed in supernova explosions and no other process. Getting back to answer your question, the only way to bring up the heavier and denser elements like gold back up to the earth's crust is through volcanic eruptions and magma plumes rising up from the interior. Therefore, your best bet would be to investigate the igneous rocks in volcanic shafts, former eruptions, magma plumes, etc. The other surface characteristics you mentioned like surface vegetation are irrelevant.