首先,让我澄清一遍:[* * 2 Al <子> < /订阅> O <子> 3 < /订阅>不是粘土。* *][1]现在,回到主题。你是混合苹果和橘子。你提到的地质剖面沉积后20亿年通用。这是长* * * *所有表面铁被氧化后,和丰富的氧气存在于地球大气层。>你也看不见明显的(氧化)铁铁量不存在在这个地质剖面,但它存在的地方。你看着一个特定部分在地球表面的一个特定的位置。它是有缺陷的逻辑来推断你在此基础上。>菲怎么可能氧气的主要消费者尽管方解石存在于更大的数量吗?因为在这个阶段,钙和铁氧的“消费者”。氧气被消耗之前,然后这个消费立即停止所有的铁被氧化。 This is why oxygen today exists in the Earth's atmosphere. From the comments: > @Pont The layer is younger, it is basically made of oxides. A terrible amount of oxides appeared after the GOE but their formation did not delay the atmosphere oxidisation the way free Fe did. > >I have checked the chemistry. Calcium + water gives me hydroxide. It will exchange CO2 for H2O to from the limestone. This suggests that we still consume Oxygen from the atmosphere. Which pre-oxidization are you talking about? Metallic calcium probably never existed in the Earth at all. The GOE was a process in which only iron was oxidised (out of the major components of the Earth's crust). The oxidation of calcium, aluminium, silicon, etc, occurred much before that. It occurred when the Earth was forming, and possibly even in the solar nebula that existed before Earth even formed. This was 2 billion years before the GOE. Let's put this on a time line: 1. ~4.5 billion years ago, Earth formed. Calcium, aluminium, silicon were all oxidised. Only some of the iron was oxidised. 2. ~2.5 billion years ago. Photosynthesis causes oxygen to rise, but the rise is limited because of the presence of iron in the crust. Any oxygen that is produced, is consumed by the oxidation of iron. Eventually all iron is oxidised and oxygen contents can freely rise. 3. ~0.5 billion years ago. The section you refer to is deposited. [1]: //www.hoelymoley.com/a/8475/725