大飓风来临的时候,它可以创建碎片的美元\ mathrm{10 ^ 8码^ 3}$][1]。城市在佛罗里达州、得克萨斯州、和其他受灾地区正努力聘请足够的卡车和司机迅速把它捡起来。除此之外,我注意到许多领域已经开始(燃烧)[2]碎片一旦它开始建立。要想知道……通常覆盖物有小幅价格昂贵,当提供免费的覆盖物,它往往很快。假设我们可以支付卡车和卡车一个公平的部分残骸收集网站其他地区而不是燃烧。净污染的结果是什么?如果删除覆盖物等,这将是:运输污染+分解(+树救了本地?)如果燃烧,它会:燃烧的污染。显然是近似而不是付出代价,可能很难评价不同的副产品的燃烧和分解,很多可能取决于它燃烧。 But as a whole, can we get a rough estimate of comparable quantities/damage done... is it less pollution/damage even to truck it an average of 3000 miles? 1000 miles? 100 miles? 10 miles? Should it be burned on the spot (if done safely)? Would think there's got to be some way to get a very rough idea. Certainly the best option is viable might be leaving it in place to decompose. But considering how upset people are getting at having debris, exclude that from the equation. Trucking or burning, how do they compare? [1]: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-storm-harvey-debriscontracts/hurricane-ravaged-u-s-cities-hit-by-rising-cleanup-costs-idUSKCN1BX2M3 [2]: https://www.volusia.org/services/public-protection/emergency-management/pin/debris.stml