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Looking for the climate classification for a particular climate

I'm looking for the climate classification among the many different climate classification systems covering my absolute favorite form of climate. If a classification for this doesn't exist, and you happen to know of some places with this form of climate, a few places would work great as well!

By the way, I'm asking this here as I haven't found any places like this yet, but I'm really hoping to!


  • Snowy winters (1-5 m or 3-15 ft of snow) averaging between -5°C and 10°C (20°F to 50°F)
  • Low-humidity summers averaging between 10°C and 35°C (50°F to 95°F)
  • Decent amount of rain (but preferably not in winter), meaning no extended dry season
  • Coastal, ideally along an ocean, but along a very large lake works too

With the exception of the last condition, which only makes sense if someone happens to have places in mind instead of climate classifications, I've looked into all of these with existing climate classification systems and struggled to find a category that really captures them all:

  • Holdridge life zonesput this somewhere betweenboreal moist forest,boreal wet forest,cool temperature moist forest,cool temperate wet forest,warm temperature moist forest, andwet temperature wet forestbut don't really capture the summer-winter gradient very well
  • Trewartha climate classificationseems to have a few options that could cover this climate.Cs,Do, andDcaseem to fit best, with optionalak,ao,bk, orbosuffixes for the universal thermal scale
  • Köppen climate classificationputs this somewhere inCfa,Cfb,Csa,Dfa,足协,Dsa, andDsb, but again it doesn't seem like all the nuance is captured. It probably doesn't help that I'm the least familiar with this system, and after spending a solid half hour looking into the various classifications and their criteria I ended up with a list covering about a quarter of all possible classifications under this system


I was a little unclear in explaining the temperature ranges above. To clarify, I'm looking foraveragewinter temperatures between around -5°C and 10°C, andaveragesummer temperatures between around 10°C and 35°C. I didn't mean for those to be interpreted as absolute bounds on possible temperatures, which would be fairly difficult to find given the small winter range and large summer range. To prevent future misinterpretation, I've added the wordaveragingto the first two bullet points above.
