>真的恐龙的期间,氧气>需求由地球上所有生物()和火山释放出来的二氧化碳>高于相同类型的氧气>要求今天和二氧化碳污染由我们和>目前活跃的火山?我不太确定“氧气需求”是什么意思。在我看来,地球上的大气变化是生活的副产品“要求”。还有其他较小的因素,如火山活动。我认为解决这个问题的最好方法是开始之前,恐龙,大约3.6亿年前的开始(石炭纪)[1],当氧增加高于它曾经和二氧化碳水平显著下降,可能低至300 PPM,不过估计。这些低水平的二氧化碳中发挥了关键作用(卡鲁冰河时期)[2],而激烈的事情发生了在(251 - 252年前)[3]但二氧化碳水平开始上升之前,和简单的白蚁可能发挥了关键作用在卡鲁冰河时代的结束和大气中的二氧化碳。当恐龙的是(2.3亿年前),二氧化碳水平过高的冰川。是否这是由于大规模地幔柱,或白蚁或增加火山或一些组合的3还很难说,但二氧化碳PPM上升显著的恐龙来了。[![在这里输入图像描述][4]][4][源][5]我推荐阅读这一部分,因为它更贴近你的问题:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide_in_Earth 's_atmosphere # Measuring_ancient-Earth_carbon_dioxide_concentration >我想知道如果有一些简单的参数对汽车和>工厂负责全球变暖(虽然甲烷>生产和森林砍伐留下)——这就是我相信>(现在)。 There's really no good argument at all. it's worth pointing out that while some people don't like the man made climate change theory and a handful of scientists continue to question it, it has stood up reasonably well to the tests, and no alternate theory has even come close. When the Koch brothers funded a study to prove the "urban heat island" effect, their study suggested the CO2 effect was even bigger than the IPCC's studies said it was. There are a number of factors that can effect climate. The Earth's orbital changes, ocean current changes, sunspots, volcanism, deforestation, snow cover and albedo, cow farts, land location, mountain ranges and their effect on rain and atmospheric circulation, but none of those effects are playing a significant role in recent decades. CO2 is the only driver that makes any sense at all and it's quite clear that the cause of the rise in CO2 is the burning of fossil fuels. [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carboniferous [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karoo_Ice_Age [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permian%E2%80%93Triassic_extinction_event [4]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/37VPM.png [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide_in_Earth's_atmosphere