我在一个大学工作收集和我们经常处理捐款。如果你接触或大学博物馆集合,准备好以下问题:——有多少化石大约包含在集合?——他们是如何获得的?他们买了对化石展览吗?他们收集的自我吗?——收集的重量是什么?听起来很奇怪,但这是重要的存储计算。——有列表包括所有标本吗?——正确的识别和标记所有对象吗?这包括以下信息:找到位置,属,如果可能的物种,包括精细地层地质时间。 Examples: *Diplodocus carnegie*, Upper Jurassic, Morrison Formation, Wyoming or *Kallokibotion bajazidi*, Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian, Sanpetru, Romania. The more information, the better! Why are these questions so important? If you want the objects to be "hands-on" for example for students studying these objects, they have to be properly identified. No student or researcher can work with "trilobite of unknown age and source". All collections provide hands-on research for those who request it. We do the same. I have a lot of guests coming to our collection wanting to see Triassic ichtyhosaurs, golden ammonites from Opalinus Clay or anything else. In this cases, I prepare all fossils for hands-on access. In your case, I would recommend the Paleontological Collection of the Indiana University. The collection is quite famous, often visited, and has a very good recommendation all over the world. [See here for their webpage][1] [1]: http://www.indiana.edu/~palcoll/