我发现很多关于地球的能源预算信息,如何基于热物体发出的红外辐射,和很多相关的东西,但没有帮助我找出多少能量实际上是在晚上发出的地面。晚上,地上仍将发射电磁能量。被释放的能量取决于很多因素。信息,帮助许多不同类型的土地在不同条件很好,但是对于我来说我专注于一个典型的平原面积之间已5 c-40c (40 - 100 f)在过去几周。最终我想要的大概的图瓦每平方米。为了应对@Michael评论:>晚上发出的能量取决于白天接收,含水量,长度和类型的草和其他植物,有多少“过去几周”,地面的温度是什么当相关时期开始了。在一个阳光明媚的天地面是说接受大约1千瓦每平方米。假设草10 cm-50cm(约半脚几英尺)。已经有成千上万的过去几周。因为我们需要得到挑剔的假设温度恒定10 c(50)每小时每晚15 c(60)每一天中的每一小时过去几千年除了1或2小时日夜转换的温度调整线性来回如果使运动变得更加容易。 And the average annual rainfall of this location is 100cm (40in), rain was coming regularly at that rate until 4 days ago. In the last 4 days, it has rained once, yesterday afternoon dropping about 1cm (half-inch), and the water table is generally about 5 feet under ground level. The dirt is completely covered and appears as you would expect if you Googled an image of a grassy meadow. For example, the picture I've added at the bottom of the question. In my opinion, however, the best answer would not just say "The ground emits 10 watts per square meter under those exact conditions!" (even that would be useful though) but would instead say "The type of grass actually makes a significant difference that can throw off even a ballpark estimate, as the difference between grass type A and grass type B produces a whopping half-order-of-magnitude difference in final results due to the way their outer material insulates them! And the difference between wet grass and dry grass is actually 2 orders of magnitude! If I were to simply pick a random, reasonable scenario of ABC it would be within the order of magnitude of 0.1 to 1 watts per square meter, and that's on the high end." For anything else that matters feel free to simply pick a reasonable value and mention (even if only in a few words) why it matters and if your pick produces a high, low, or mid-range estimate. [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/4WZi6.png