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Oscar Lanzi
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Assuming gold, a siderophile, is more abundant in the metallic core, this gold may still be dredged to the surface.

On Earth, there is more to tectonic activity tham neets the eye. Hoggard et al.1, with a summary in Ref.2, describe mixing processes in the Earth that extends throughout the mantle and into the core (Picture from [2]):

enter image description here

enter image description here

Thus elements from the core may be brought up to the upper mantle and crust via the rising black plumes pictured above. The amount of material rising from the core in this manner is, of course, small, so only small amounts of siderophile elements such as gold emerge at the surface/crust in this way. Siderophiles that are more reactive to oxygen, such as iron, can partition directly into the mantle and thus may be convected into the crust more efficiently.


M.J. Hoggard et al. (2016) "Global dynamic topography observations reveal limited influence of large-scale mantle flow." Nature Geoscience 9, 456–463. https:// doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2709


Oscar Lanzi
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