(班纳特等)[1]显示,有几个的起源dropstones冰川存款无关。dropstones是唯一的材料,circunstantial,随着全球glatiations的证据。整个故事开始,因为(微弱的年轻的太阳)[2]——只有70%的能量输出导致冻土-一个悖论,因为地球和火星上有水,需要热的过去。火星也一样热的过去(二氧化碳反馈的保温被最近)。我们已经强大的生物和地质证据,不能被解雇,在“雪球地球旧理论:- * *分子系统学* *生命的进化是强烈依赖于环境热演化* *生活本身记录的* *,并演示了:- * * * *复活蛋白质(古温度趋势的前寒武纪生命的复活蛋白质][3],大自然451年,704 - 707 (doi: 10.1038 / nature06510信)”。高雪氏症和艾尔。2008。-[* *重建祖先酶* *建议长期冷却地球的透光区自太古代][4]——阿曼达·加西亚et al,地质记录2017 - * * * *有相同的趋势,高温在过去(∂18 o (Knauth &爱普斯坦,1976)或∂30 si (Robert & Chaussidon, 2006)表明海洋温度高于65ºC,最终接近90ºC,早于2 Ga。其他一些研究证实结果。——即所有细胞生命——只能使用单原子的* * N * * (itrogen)地球上这并不是免费的。大气分子* * N2 * *需要的巨大的压力和温度在* * N + N * * [Haber-Bosch][5]中使用过程在XX世纪初发明(氨施肥土壤和养活人类- 30年代以来指数增长)。 Until then Life had to feed on itself (a shitty recycle) and the total bioma could not grow. - The habitat of the **most ancient life forms** are in the thermal vents (very high temperature and pressure) - **The mammals and birds** – the last major Life's creation – are equipped with protective furs and feathers and the internal **metabolism** novelty to keep the ideal temp around 40ºC and the species unadapted to colder times got extinguished - The **proto-feathers** favoured the Heat dissipation (see image bellow) **The conclusion can only be: The Snowball Earth Theory is dead**. But ... to solve the conundrum we have to put the planets closer to the Sun in the past or increment it's energy output. A new theory? A paradigm shift was motivated by the following considerations: - A **rationalistic** mind, following Descartes, Spinoza and Poincaré..., can never accept that the space is expanding at the expense of nothing, without a cause. - **We measure** everything with atomic properties (atoms), thus, we can not measure the evolution of the atom itself; f.i. the mass unit ‘kilogramme’ is the mass of an ensemble of atoms as represented in Paris prototype. Thus, one atom’s mass is a definite part of that unit – a definition in loop - and the same definition holds true, and the universe keeps going, if in the past the atoms were a billion times larger than the ones we have now. - The **redshift** of the radiation we receive from the past can be interpreted as the emission from larger atoms Two studies were concluded outside the academia (not peer reviewed - blame the system and not the author): 1. A rational explanation of the observed space expansion is derived in [A self-similar model of the Universe unveils the nature of dark energy][6] and it is formally proved that the **atoms are shrinking** (the units Mass-Charge-Length-Time evolve at the same pace - to source the energy of the electrostatic and gravitational expanding fields). The obvious consequence is that the space seems to be expanding. 1. From the available data the Evolving Climate Model (ECM) was derived - [A model of past Earth’s climate from isotopic and biologic data and its relationship with orbits’ expansion][7] and the initial environment favorable to the Emergence of Life is obtained. An abiotic origin of Earth' Oxigen is presented and why Life was able to capture all the monoatomic N it uses. (proto-feathers - Ramphorhyncus longicaudus at Teylers Museum – Haarlem) [![proto-feathers - Ramphorhyncus longicaudus at Teylers Museum – Haarlem][8]][8] [1]: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0031018295000712 [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faint_young_Sun_paradox [3]: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature06510 [4]: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/04/11/1702729114 [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haber_process [6]: http://vixra.org/pdf/1107.0016v1.pdf [7]: http://vixra.org/pdf/1412.0170v1.pdf [8]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/3vVdi.jpg