这将取决于温度和湿度变化的雨滴方法列的底部。如果空气是炎热和干燥,会蒸发。如果它足够炎热和潮湿的,他们可能生存触底。记住,水的沸点上升随着压力的增加!你的声明“如果下雨温度低于F[32],将雪”是不准确的。可能会有雨夹雪。可能会有雨或雪,已经通过一层温暖的空气,,现在在冰点以上;这将冻结在寒冷的表面。那里也可以*过冷*液态水以降雨的形式落——这是液体,但在环境压力低于冰点。这场雨将冻结的时候打一个坚实的对象。 Similarly, there could be *superheated* water that still falls as liquid, but bursts into steam as soon as it hits a surface. We wouldn't see that under normal conditions, because it would be falling through air that isn't saturated, so it would undergo evaporative cooling. In your deep, hot, and eventually humid hole, though, it might well be possible -- I'm not sure what would *produce* such superheating, but I can't rule it out.