>如果你加大太阳的实际尺寸与地球相比,是相当大的。然后以这种方式现实你还必须扩大从地球到太阳的距离。但你甚至不需要这样做,因为有一个更简单的方法观察大太阳是地球上从一个位置的角度。1。在或接近地球(你可能已经达到这个)。2。看天空。如果是白天,而不是阴天你应该看到太阳某处(请不要继续找…)。它不是很大,大约32′(略有不同),只是略大于0.5°。的月亮一样(否则凌日不会款日食,我们得到)。 Or about the size of the princess' thumb at arm's length in the story of the princess who wanted the moon for her birthday. It's not enough to bathe most of the earth in the sun's rays. It's just about enough for almost half to be lit, almost half to be dark, and to have a period where a given point of the earth is illuminated by some, but not all, of the sun's visible disc. You can see this by the same look-at-the-sky experiment, by looking toward the horizon during sunrise or sunset.