答案是否定的。在大西洋将避免南美和非洲的任何穴位,通过在格陵兰岛。在太平洋,圣劳伦斯岛上,白令海峡的南部是一个主要障碍。This forces any likely meridian to be to the west of the island - as you state around 168° W (192° E). The easternmost point of St Lawrence Island is at 168° 41' 17" W. To the north of St Lawrence Island is a tiny spec of an island called King Island. It's westernmost point is 168° 05' 53" W. That's a difference of 35' 24" in longitude. Which isn't much room. As you indicate, that zone lies in in the central region of the Aleutian island of Umnak Island, which extends from 169° 06' 48" W to 167° 47' 07" W. Johnson Atoll, at around 169° W is close to that that Meridian zone, as is Niue. South of Umnak Island, within that meridian zone there is no land above sea level, but there are geological features such a sea mounts, particularly the line of mounts between Hawaii and Midway Atoll.