缺乏海洋和大气电流进入南极洲附近,从赤道纬度意味着更少的热量从热带运送至南极洲相比,斯瓦尔巴特群岛。因此,在相同的纬度(即等于太阳能隔离),南方的温度要冷得多。在南极洲,在纬度75°S的大部分土地永久积雪。至于航班,除了提到的Erik的距离的事实。考虑也只能使用土地在麦克默多带带轮子的飞机是在一个冰架(浮动平台的冰)。因此,安装适当的机场检测是不可能的,主要由视觉导航和着陆执行。东西不能做到安全永久黑暗的冬季或在恶劣的天气。有(预定航班在夏天从彭塔阿雷纳斯联盟冰川][1](纬度80°S和敌意比麦克默多)。但是他们非常依赖于天气。大多数航班被延误,等待一个星期飞并不罕见(事实上土地地带时常见的一些公里南爱国者山)。 Therefore, an Ilyushin 76 is waiting in Punta Arenas the whole summer just to fly once a week at most. All that, added to many other logistical complications makes the round trip ticket to Union Glacier about USD$22,000. It wouldn't be much cheaper to McMurdo, so you can imagine that no much people will be able to afford it. Therefore is kind of a niche business that is not attractive for commercial airlines. The only land strip that is on solid ground in Antarctica and is large enough to receive comercial planes (medium size, nothing big). Is in [King George island][2] (latitude 62°S). [DAP airlines][3] also have scheduled commercial flights there, but they are also extremely expensive and tourist flow in winter is minimal (there are no Auroras there). Therefore, there is no reason for them to go in winter. [1]: https://antarctic-logistics.com/services/air-transport [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_George_Island_(South_Shetland_Islands) [3]: http://dapairline.com/aerovias-dap/