这张照片可以作为基本的点来说明问题:! (La Palma) [1] (La Palma) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Palma), Aridane峡谷和山峰Vieja火山:左边(北)一看到风化的切口Bejenado火山。~ 500 ~ 400年肯塔基州之间形成前。火山活动已经停止,现在慢慢风化。在中心和右看到〔拉丁美洲〕威哈Aridane峡谷和山峰中的一风景如画的视锥细胞。Aridane谷是一个侵蚀结构由一系列略早于Bejenado山体滑坡。〔拉丁美洲〕威哈山峰是一座活火山,最后一次喷发是Teneguia 1971年在南方,只有正确的图像。可以区分几个熔岩流从历史和现代的深色的颜色。~ 70之间,数百年,但整个岛是建立这样的lavaflows,一层一层地(简化)。风力、天气、昆虫和鸟类带来花粉和种子。即使在一个新的层,仅仅几个月后几年,先锋植物如地衣将开始解决。 Once exposed and solidified, the basalt starts to weather and erode. These processes form clay minerals, which release the nutrients to grow more and more plants and biocenoses, and so on. And basalt weathers quickly, releasing a lot of nutrients in relatively short time. So, yes, your asumptions are in principle on the right track. I'm not sure about the direct role of ocean currents here, and **soil is not brought in by the wind** (at least not in decisive amounts, more or less dust from a nearby continent will allways be in the air), **it forms through weathering** of the basalt. Weathering and erosion are very complex. Obviously, chemical and physical processes play an initial role; once plants have settled, their roots cause physical changes, bacteria from decay amplify chemical processes, and so on. This is mostly textbook knowledge of the general process. For more specific information about the processes one can read up more on basalt weathering, chemical and physical erosion, [pioneer plants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pioneer_species), and so on. [1]: https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/8000/8827/ISS017-E-06820_lrg.jpg