北极光和南极光发生的高层大气与子原子轰击粒子从太阳风(质子和电子)。太阳风从磁性物质抛射太阳风暴,和不同强度和频率。极光倾向于向被置换的夜间一边地球和移动非常缓慢地从西到东,因为磁极刻有和地球旋转的旋转。电影电视上经常显示极光加速,但通常他们的运动只是肉眼几乎察觉不到的眼睛。如果你能看到背景恒星移动,这部电影已经加速。我用肉眼看到的移动非常缓慢。有两个主要的颜色。绿色是迄今为止最常见,但偶尔极光是红色的。我看到来自英格兰南部。红色的是由太阳风粒子惊人的和令人兴奋的氧原子的高,上层大气,使它们发出红色的光。 These particles also vary in velocity, so the more powerful ones are able to reach further down into the atmosphere and stimulate a much stronger emission of green light from nitrogen atoms. This overwhelms the fainter red light from oxygen, so the aurora looks green. They are not often seen from southern England. It sometimes happens, but only in the winter with a very clear sky.