矿产勘查的初始阶段包括找到一个网站进行调查。在某些情况下,这可能导致的发现(表面露头矿化)[1],矿床的接触。表面露头越来越难找,因为一些已经开采或埋在沉积物或熔岩流。得到一个指示,埋矿床发生,(地球物理勘查技术)[2]是必需的。通常这将需要使用重力测量和/或磁调查,通常aeromagnatic调查。在某些情况下(化学)[3]勘探方法可以使用。这需要在陆地上徘徊在样品表面的岩石和[分析][4]矿产和金属。使用的分析方法将取决于金属被探索。火化验,当他们使用,用于黄金,而不是(贱金属)[5]。当一个潜在的区域被发现,勘探钻井进行。 Initially [reverse circulation drilling][6] may be done because it is cheaper and quicker. The cuttings from the drill holes are analyzed by a geologist to ascertain the rock types and samples of prospective rock types are assayed for their metal content. If the mineral deposit is large enough and rich enough, [diamond drilling][7] will be undertaken. Depending on the condition of the ground being drill, this generally provides a solid core of rock that can be inspected for rock type. Usually the core is split in half lengthwise and half the core for prospective rock types are assayed for metal content. To get an accurate understanding of the size the mineral deposit and the amount of metal present. A grid of holes, drilled on a 20 m by 20 m or a 10 m by 10 m pattern is drilled over the deposit. The length of the drill holes will largely be determined by the depth of the mineral deposit. The results of this, outlines the size of the deposit. The assays for metal content and subsequent [modelling by geologists][8] determines the amount of metal in the deposit (its richness). This may involve the use of [geostatistics][9]. Classifying the deposit as either a mineral deposit or orebody is done by mining engineers who evaluate the models created by the geologists by creating possible mine designs and evaluating the economics of the potential mine. If the deposit is economic to mine is called an orebody, if not it remains as a mineral deposit. As part of the mine design and evaluation process, the mining engineers must engage with metallurgists regarding how any ore from the deposit will be processed and the costs involved. In developed countries they must also consider the rehabilitation of any potential mine, once it has been mine out, during the evaluation of the mineral deposit. [1]: https://www.911metallurgist.com/blog/mineral-surface-outcrops [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploration_geophysics [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geochemistry [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallurgical_assay [5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_metal [6]: https:// [7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploration_diamond_drilling [8]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geologic_modelling [9]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geostatistics