答案是,因为地球不是一个静态的系统。由于理想气体定律,上升空气冷却。这被称为干绝热递减率。然而,你好奇为什么地球上每一个位置并不在同一纬度相同的温度。我们知道这不是真的。但是为什么不正确?天气。地球,与大多数自然现象一样,试图达到静力平衡。传入和传出的差异与净辐射离开地球能源储备需要平衡。天气是地球所使用的机制,试图达到平衡。 Okay, so we know that weather is disrupting static equilibrium on earth. But how does that work? Wind. Or better yet, advection. Advection is simply the transport of an atmospheric parameter (such as moisture, temperature, or rotation) from one location to another. So, wind can 'transport' temperature, moisture, and rotation. You don't necessarily need a storm to advect any of these parameters. In fact, they are always in motion. Cold air is always moving away from the poles. Still, that doesn't quite answer it, does it? Well, imagine you are hundreds or thousands of miles away from Tibet. You aren't in a mountainous region anymore but instead a flatlands at sea level. The air aloft of this flatlands at the same elevation of Tibet will cool according approximately 9.8°C/1000m. Tibet is 4500m - 8850m high. That would be around approximately 50°C of cooling at 5000m. The air that advects into Tibet from elsewhere is on average of 50-80°C cooler than at sea level (in actuality, it is a little warmer than this due to a skew in the temperature profile and moisture in the atmosphere). So, it isn't so much that Tibet is receiving less radiation than other points at the same latitude. Its more that, the air at the elevation of Tibet is much cooler than the air at sea level. Remember, we measure air temperature!