我邀请修正如果我错过任何细节,上面的空气柱的你,在任何时候,在100%湿度也许可以容纳3 - 6英寸(75 - 150毫米)的水取决于温度和比下雨只有一个百分比,不是全部。如果空气保持静止,当然不行,那么我们就会得到更少的倾盆大雨。飓风不断盘旋在新湿空气与水从海湾地区。可能会下雨2 - 4英寸(每小时50 - 100毫米),超过10小时以上可以给你30 - 40英寸(750 - 1000毫米)。下雨,空气失去水分,所以得到的区域30 - 40英寸(750 - 1000毫米)小比飓风。特定区域,土地只是过去的海洋或海湾,向东或东北的眼睛饱和带的雨从海洋或海湾被打击最严重。这张图没有更新,这是一个从一天前预测,但它给出了一个局部强降雨。的地区得到了20 +英寸(500毫米)的降雨量小于飓风。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][2]周围的螺旋风眼比飓风本身移动快得多,而且它让饱和湿度100%,从某种意义上说,超过100%的湿度可以携带水滴,像螺旋在墨西哥湾的温暖水域。 When it hit's land, the rain continues but the humidity begins to drop, so the rain falls hardest, shortly after landfall and where the rain bands come from over the ocean, Usually, in the East Coast of the US, this is East or Northeast of the eye. (The dirty side, as blacksmith calls it). [![enter image description here][3]][3] Air can't hold 40 inches (1000 mm) of rain. No where close, but air blowing over a body of water can supply steady rainfall because the air blowing over the gulf is continuously picking up water. It's new, 100% humidity/saturated and super-saturated air that hits land continuously, raining hard, until the storm passes. [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/lhSXim.png [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/lhSXi.png [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/vhFgE.jpg