拖曳冰冰山的想法提供淡水来源在干燥气候区在1970年代首次提出了周,坎贝尔(1973)和霍特和奥斯特兰德(1973)。这引发了ineterest,导致一些研究发表在会议(Husseiny, 1980;IGS, 1980)。的重点工作是男子气概的冰的浪费在交通当然拖冰的技术方面。然而,主要的问题担忧冰冰山在运输的完整性。冰山的冰力学仍知之甚少,众所周知,冰山逐渐分解。这是如何影响海洋膨胀和其他力在冰山下拖仍在调查(见大量的出版物特别是Glacology杂志》(http://www.igsoc.org/journal/)和(冰川学的年报)(http://www.igsoc.org/annals/)。然而,想法不被遗忘,更提出了可行的技术解决方案(如快公司(http://www.fastcompany.com/1755444/watch-tugboat-drag-arctic-iceberg-parched-people-half-world-away-video)。所以在金融方面的过程可能是可计算的,冰的力量冰山,作用在他们身上下的大海和拖拖之前需要更多的研究将成为现实。这是法律问题。 Who owns the ice? and also how can towing ice berg across busy shipping lines be safe, particularly in the event of a break-up in mid-ocean. References Hult, J.L. and Ostrander, N.C., 1973. Antarctic icebergs as a global fresh water resource. Rand Corporation, Santa Monica. Report No. R-1255-NSF. 83 pp. Husseiny, A.A. (ed.) 1978. Iceberg Utilization. Proceedings of the First International Conference, Ames, Iowa, 1977. Pergamon Press, New York. 759 pp. IGS (International Glaciological Society), 1980. Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Icebergs. Annals of Glaciology, 1 136 pp. Weeks, W.F. and Campbell, W.J., 1973. Icebergs as a fresh-water source: an appraisal. Journal of Glaciology, 12, 65, 207-233.