令人兴奋的问题…这是我想知道,为了利益和效用等项目你提到构成一个相关的问题(我的制图SE网站建议)。我在很长一段时间,找不到任何词/计算这个……也许我也只是不知道正确的术语使用吗?作为一个非常基本的计算,我创建了一个Excel电子表格和工作地点与我们制定一个非常简单的突出……只有每个城市的距离是最近的大城市。结果是[Sporcle测试][1]。我的结果很可能不是用来在一个映射程序,因为它没有考虑相对人口规模的程度……但肯定会有兴趣了解,我寻找一个更好的方法来优化中所示的城市天气我使用映射解决方案。如果你计算我想象的方式(工作半径周围城市内人口与人口),这听起来像一个更复杂的GIS问题…… but one of great use. If the answer from experts in that area is indeed that it hasn't been done, [GIS StackExchange][2] may be the place to try. Hopefully you'll give us the link to any questions you propose there so users here can follow any resolution. If the basic prominence I calculated is somehow useful, I could dig up the full spreadsheet. I believe I also might have found a potential global dataset as well, but never followed it up. I cannot say how exciting it is to see someone else thinking about this topic, and hope your question brings some further answers from those in the know! [1]: https://www.sporcle.com/games/JeopardyTempest/this_land_is_my_land [2]: https://gis.stackexchange.com/