不同的边界是两个板块正在积极*推分开*通过岩浆的上升由于地幔对流细胞。不同边界负责大陆分裂,甚至海洋盆地的形成,不同的边界成为大洋中脊。例如,东非裂谷(发散边界),是非洲板块分开,从大陆分离索马里。最终一个海,那么海洋将形成东非裂谷的破碎板之间成为大洋中脊。热点就是*板正在* *的岩浆*。热点负责岛屿链,比如那些在夏威夷,形成板幻灯片在羽甚至火山在陆地上,像黄石。# #饼干和果冻模型给出一个简化和直观的理解,想象一下你有一个大的果冻,炉子上,你把一个大饼干。加热果冻时,饼干拆分成小块,创造大量的盘子,疏远。这是一个不同的边界。现在想象另一个饼干,你滑的浴缸果冻。 Instead of breaking the biscuit apart, the jelly rises up and punches a single hole in the biscuit. As the biscuit slides over this plume of jelly, it keeps punching single holes through the biscuit, rather than break it apart. At the divergent boundary you end up with lots of smaller biscuits (plates) moving over a sea of jelly (magma). At the hot-spot, you have a whole-biscuit sliding over a small plume of jelly which periodically punches Jelly Holes (islands) through the plate.