我当然没有海洋,但我的最初的想法是,大多数电流可能变化和河曲很多。我希望就像半永久的气压系统[1],除了(非常强大的电流)[2],运输是一个长期平均水平附近,而不是一个确定的任何实例。看到你在多风的运行电流的问题,我有点兴趣什么产品有风的表现. .无论是表面洋流或最大值或意味着什么。我找不到任何信息。风肯定会改变表面水流,我希望如果有风的显示这将是特别容易变化。甚至在一些深度,(风会让不少电流)[3]。因为风方向不是静态的,当前一定也。和强大的气旋远非典型在这样的地区,(尤其是每年的这个时候)[4]。但快速搜索当前西海岸显示了变化是更多的定义和典型:[![在这里输入图像描述][5]]的[5][加利福尼亚海流][6]的维基百科页面。在进一步挖掘,* *(戴维森海流)[7]* * >太平洋沿海的逆流运行>西部海岸北加利福尼亚半岛的美国,墨西哥>俄勒冈州北部,结束在纬度48°N >… it flows north rather than south and hugs the coastline. The > current is active year-round at 650 feet (200 meters) below sea level, > but surfaces during the winter months, generally from mid-November > through mid-February. In these months, northerly winds weaken and > are replaced to some extent by southwesterly winds. (note that in your image, the flow still mainly has a small north-to-south component hundreds of miles offshore, which would match the diagram) Finally, tying it all together, it looks like in the paper [Buoyancy-Driven Coastal Currents off Oregon during Fall and Winter (Mazzini et al, 2014)][8], winter northerly near-shore currents may in part be caused by the increase in amount/areal coverage of river discharges typical in the winter. So that, while the water is colder than the ocean it flows into, its density difference (being freshwater) can cause it to flow north. If that's true, an exceptionally rainy winter along the US Pacific Coast should indeed mean a stronger northward winter current... though **it looks like some degree of northward current right near the coast is quite common in the winter.** [1]: https://apollo.nvu.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter10/january_surface_press.html [2]: https://www.windy.com/-Currents-currents?currents,27.994,-86.309,3 [3]: https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/ocean-currents.php [4]: https://drought.unl.edu/archive/climographs/sanfranciscoanc.htm [5]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/xmiVg.png [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Current [7]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davidson_Current [8]: https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/phoc/44/11/jpo-d-14-0012.1.xml?rskey=VrhTmA&result=3