我走在意大利北部的一个珊瑚礁附近热那亚。(44.3230136 n, 9.1462828 e)岩石的岩石是由不同大小、颜色和形状由某种seemignly温和的衬底。衬底仍坚硬如岩石的接触,但是我能够打破一些规模较小的岩石。(下面的照片会说最好的。)珊瑚礁有几个“分裂”,在其整个长度。我认为,这些都是白颜色和是由石英组成。有趣的是,这些将直接穿过衬底和岩石,好像有人用激光切珊瑚礁。我想知道这些是如何形成的。我想高压力和剪切力发挥作用,但是我还是不明白它是如何可能分裂不绕着岩石(至少是较小的),但直接通过。特别是如果我假设岩石比底物。 But that might not be the case? See the photo captions for more details. Sorry, for not calling things by their proper names. I'm no geologist so this questions doubles as an identification one. I guess. View of the rock with one of the splits going across vertically roughly in the middle: [![View of the rock with one of the splits going across vertically roughly in the middle.][1]][1] Wider view of the same split with a person's legs for scale. The split continues behind: [![Wider view of the same split with a person's legs for scale. The split continues behind.][2]][2] One of the small rocks being split in half by a narrow split. My finger on the left for scale: [![One of the small rocks being split in half by a narrow split. My finger on the left for scale.][3]][3] Overall view of the reef showing a structure of plates laid on each other: [![Overall view of the reef showing a structure of plates laid on each other.][4]][4] [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/kHY4l.jpg [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/T26Ql.jpg [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/SSw0C.jpg [4]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/EPNuK.jpg