不。事实上,我不知道为什么大卫Hammen没有说,而不是评论。有史以来,人类最深的洞挖几乎在地球表面的划痕当你看它的大小。他们甚至没有达到地幔。洞里只有12公里深,大概用了20年创建,还是只有1/3的地幔!同时,孔通过它你可以倾倒垃圾。只有9英寸直径。你想倒垃圾到地球意味着什么?垃圾占用空间。没有已知的空洞在地球深处。 It is very dense. To make room for trash, first you would have to dig the IMMENSELY expensive hole. Doing this also wastes energy. Then, you would need to invent technology to dig out a massive space, working from inside a nine-inch hole that goes over 7 miles into the Earth's surface. How expensive would that be? Is it even possible to carve out a space in the Earth under that much pressure without it collapsing? Given that scientists have only managed to keep open a nine-inch hole, you can bet we currently don't have available technology to build any kind of void for trash, let alone a void big enough to hold enough trash to make more room on the surface.