我要给一个稍微不同的角度上面的回答实际上在OP命名仪器的问题。基于名字BSRN OP的第二图像,实际上相当于这个机构——[基线表面辐射网络][1]圆柱形仪器所示的照片中实际上是一个[太阳热量计][2]。在一个(早些时候回答)[3]我谈论(日射强度计)[4]。那么什么是太阳热量计的区别和日射强度计?所以日射强度计测量直接太阳光束以及落在一个表面的散射辐射而太阳热量计的措施只有直接天空梁。在(常见问题)[5]BSRN网站的这个特殊的区别是覆盖>测量称为“直接辐射”是获得垂直入射太阳热量计得到指出太阳能追踪器到阳光直射光束。测量称为“散射辐射”和“向下短波辐射(全球)”从面向日射强度计的水平对地球表面´s。三个测量是独立于彼此。因此,“直接”+“扩散”“全球化”略有不同,即使只使用“直接”的水平分量。这些差异可以用来量化数据的质量并不是所有的玻璃圆顶仪器所示OP的形象必然是日射强度计。 Some of them can be [pyrgeometers][6] that measures near surface long wave radiation. The [company that manufactures them][7] as mentioned in Camilo's answer i.e. specifically mention that BSRN facility uses them in this [Kipp and Zonen Overview of BSRN requirements][8] It is noted from this link [BSRN stations][9] that [ Izaña Atmospheric Research Center][10] is one of the BSRN stations that is monitoring surface radiation and a link to that station is provided here [BSRN Izana Data][11] and a list of their instruments here [List of instruments at BSRN Izana][12] Why is BSRN Izana an ideal location for studying radiation ? From this link - [Izana Climate][13] >Located North of the Tropic of Cancer, the Canary Islands are affected practically all year by the high pressure belt from middle latitudes, specifically by the southern side of the [Azores Anticyclone][14]. The station is located at 2400 meters above sea level, in the free troposphere above the quasi-permanent inversion layer present in the Canary Islands.The climate in the area of the station is extremely dry for the majority of the year, this together with the clean air from the upper troposphere gives the area a major scientific interest. In these days when the climate is dry, the insolation is very high, especially during the summer with consequent daytime warming, while during winter nights there is a substantial thermal cooling.The largest contribution to rainfall in the area occurs during a few days of winter produced by Atlantic Storms affecting the Canary Islands.The precipitation is concentrated in six months from October to March, with an absolute maximum between December and January and another relative in March, while from April until September the contribution is virtually null **UPDATE** The reason why they have so many instruments is because Izana Observatory belong to different aerosol and radiation networks and few of them are listed here [AERONET][15], [GAW-PFR][16], [BSRN][17], [National Radiation Network][18] and also for [WMO CIMO Testbed for Aerosols and Water Vapor Remote Sensing instruments][19] [1]: https://bsrn.awi.de/project/background/ [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrheliometer [3]: //www.hoelymoley.com/questions/16478/what-are-these-gizmos-at-mauna-loa-observatory/16479#16479 [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyranometer [5]: https://bsrn.awi.de/other/frequently-asked-questions/news/2015-2016/ [6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrgeometer [7]: https://www.kippzonen.com/ProductGroup/4/Pyrgeometers [8]: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwizqcmbr87hAhXUZSsKHQzXBS0QFjAAegQIBRAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kippzonen.com%2FDownload%2F124%2FScientific-Solar-Monitoring-Station-BSRN-requirements&usg=AOvVaw3qfcgORBJ5UplkdBGc6hl_ [9]: https://www.pangaea.de/ddi?request=bsrn/BSRNEvent&format=html&title=BSRN%20Stations [10]: http://izana.aemet.es [11]: http://www.bsrn.aemet.es/ [12]: http://www.bsrn.aemet.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=7&Itemid=58 [13]: http://www.bsrn.aemet.es/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&id=6&Itemid=57 [14]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azores_High [15]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AERONET [16]: https://www.pmodwrc.ch/weltstrahlungszentrum/worcc/ [17]: https://bsrn.awi.de/ [18]: http://radiationnetwork.com/WorldMaps.htm [19]: http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/TB_LC/Testbed_Izana.html