有些人可能没有基础,不喜欢这个答案,但是我相信你会发现大陆的整体模式走到一起,和渐行渐远直接回应太阳围绕银河系的轨道。周期性匹配还有其他搬弄是非,增加力量的信念。我没听过或找到一个更好的解释这发生的时期。和世界的一面,似乎几乎完全空白的大洲,增加重量一些片面的“吸引”大陆。引力是一波模式。还有那些正在寻找它的形状。但有一件事可以肯定的是,它有一个“干扰模式”。请按照这个链接,然后平滑半径设置为25公里,和地图类型”每月异常,然后浏览,从2002年到2014年。如果你有经验与波表和干扰模式,你会发现有一个干涉图样,它告诉你重力既来来往往。特别是让注意模式的格陵兰岛11年周期… sample 2002, 2007, 2013. It is obviously "bouncing" as it's pattern and the incoming pattern are running "lateral" to one another. This happens due to the reversal of the magnetic field of the sun. The link to the GRACE mission results are here: [NASA - GRACE Mission Data Analysis Portal Hosted at Colorado U.][1] AS a proposed "shape of gravity" I would have you consider this picture. It is gravity in a neutral "temperment".: [![Gravity without imbalances][2]][2] Sorry i didn't include GRACE's results link the first time round. [1]: http://geoid.colorado.edu/grace/dataportal.html [2]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/EUPDf.gif