海平面上升(SLR)是空间统一。卫星派生的单反,你现在是一个很好的例子空间响应的复杂性。探索的空间特征的观察的一个好方法是使用永久性的数据服务平均海平面([PSMSL] [1])。他们有一个很好的互动(地图)[2]调查自1900年以来全球平均海平面趋势。时间限制可以调整看到变化取决于您使用的数据。[![PSMSL] [3]] [3] PSMSL来源。从他们的网站:>最新的联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会报告,发表于2013年,发现“很可能是全球平均海平面上升的速度是1.7(1.5 - 1.9)毫米/年1901年至2010年,2.0 mm(1.7 - 2.3) /年1971年和2010年之间和3.2[2.8 - 3.6]毫米/年1993年和2010年之间。潮汐计和卫星高度计数据是一致的关于后者的高期”([www.climatechange2013.org] [4])。率是全球平均水平但它空间变化很大。 No location on Earth needs to have this average value (some will). In some places, sea level is rising by more than the global average while in others it is decreasing. There are many causes to for these local differences in sea level. The regional differences are caused by changes in many variables. For instance, there wind patterns change in annual and decadal scales. As wind changes, wind-driven ocean currents are modified, which modify sea level slopes (e.g., Gulf Stream causes sea elevations gradients). Temperature changes in the oceans are also spatially variable resulting in steric sea level changes (local difference in density and volume change). Additionally, with ice sheets melt, there are changes in pressure over the crust modifying sea level. Other very local effects such as earthquakes, groundwater extraction, and subsidence of the land will cause apparent change of sea level at that location. In general, the areas near the poles have a negative trend (sea level is dropping, not rising) because of the Glacial Isostatic Adjustment ([GIA][5]) as the crust is still rebounding from the previous glaciation. In mid-latitudes, on the other hand the sea level rise rates are maximum. Of course, there are local effects because of many of the forcings mentioned above. [1]: http://www.psmsl.org [2]: http://www.psmsl.org/products/trends/ [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/xIz9r.jpg [4]: http://www.climatechange2013.org [5]: http://www.psmsl.org/train_and_info/geo_signals/gia/