不幸的是,旧气象卫星数据,越难读。也许(NOAA的天气和气候工具包)(https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/wct/)可以打开它。旧的东西通常会在紧密可能是也可能不是二进制格式良好的文档(这些卫星是为了拍照使用云的天气预报,美国未来几代人或多或少的马后炮)。只是为了说明困难:我曾与NOAA HIRS仪器的数据从1970年代末1980年代初,和发现头包含ASCII、EBCDIC信息,和一些必要的校准参数的热敏电阻车载温暖内部校准的目标仅仅是失去了,对某些卫星,可用的头文件不匹配是什么,我看不懂大部分的标题。其他信息用于解释存在于NOAA库,但是由于出口限制对我不可用(ITAR)。第一代的成像卫星自旋(可见光红外扫描辐射计(VISSR) (https://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/610),乘坐GOES-1-3在1975和1993之间。(类似的仪器)(https://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/instruments/view/612)具有相同名称的飞在几个日本HIMAWARI GMS卫星在1977年和2000年之间。(Pytroll) (http://pytroll.github.io/)是一系列的Python包读取和处理卫星数据。它包括(Satpy) (https://satpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/),可以阅读大量的气象卫星成像的数据格式。可以读任何Satpy可以打开(卫星信息熟悉工具箱)(https://sift.ssec.wisc.edu/)(筛选),由威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校和EUMETSAT。 Unfortunately, I don't think Satpy has a reader for GOES-1 VISSR (most focus is on current and future instruments), although it [can read VISSR on GMS-5 and GOES-9](https://github.com/pytroll/satpy/issues/486) since Satpy 0.43 (released July 2023). Considering the similarity of the instruments, a reader for GOES-1 VISSR should hopefully be similar to the one for GMS VISSR. For GOES VISSR, [some information appears retained at CEDA](http://artefacts.ceda.ac.uk/badc_datadocs/gedex/detail/vissr.det), but unfortunately that appears to be lacking in the detail you would need. If you plan to develop a reading routine (you'd need to learn Python first if you don't know it already), do hop in to the [Pytroll slack](https://pytroll.slack.com/) for advice. There are also Pytroll workshops (normally twice a year) that are a great resource if you intend to work on a new satellite reader. There might exist propriety software that can read this data, but unless you work at an employer that holds a license for such, that is going to be difficult to access.