我忙于“环境”的发展模式,可用于各种飞行器的飞行模拟,从quad-copters无人机,载人飞机,卫星的火箭发射器。子模型的模型由陆地重力;地球的大小、形状和运动;地磁场;大气中;等等。目前我使用[COSPAR国际参考大气(cira - 86)][1]计算空气压力和温度高度120公里。但是,能够计算空气密度,湿度的影响我也需要模型。我知道水蒸气troposhere只是出现在不同的量,因此,高湿度是更有可能在较低的海拔高度。有人经历某个值的概率模型的相对湿度作为海拔高度的函数? **Edit.** As an example of what I really need, the MIL-F-8785C model for wind speed and turbulence, for example, gives the mean wind speed at a height of 6.1 m above the ground, given the logarithm of the probability of exceeding the wind speed. So, a model of the humidity as a probability of exceeding the the mean humidity as a function of height is what I really need. Do you know of any models that provide this? [1]: http://www.sparc-climate.org/data-center/data-access/reference-climatologies/cira-86/