大气透射表设置原则上应该很容易建立,但它可能很难获得准确的值。我做了一个非常类似的工具但测量水transsmisivity(又名浊度)。如果您是Arduino可以从[Arduino UNO][1],这是一个好向导如何开始][2]。我开始自己的视频教程(Arduino课程绝对初学者)[3]。练习用几个简单的项目。特别是“(眨眼)[4]”用于开关针和“[模拟读连环][5]”,学习如何向计算机输出数据。你需要一个激光二极管(像这样的)[6]。应该是驱动的(或者至少开启/关闭)由Arduino。因为你需要用激光做测量,知道有多少光环境光,有多少光来自你的激光。意义上的光强度激光槽空中旅行后,您可以使用一个(光敏电阻)[7]使它简单和廉价的,或者一个光度传感器[这个][8]。 You can find here [a tutorial and example code][9] to wire and read data from that sensor into your Arduino. Then you need to calibrate the sensor, and it will be challenging for this project. You will need to put the system in the outdoors, measure the visibility by finding out the distance to the further object you can see, and record the reading of your Arduino. The reading would be the difference between the luminosity with the laser on and off. After you have many calibration points over a wide range of visibilities, you can plot visibility vs reading and hopefully the points will follow a nice pattern that you can then fit with a suitable function (a line, a polynomial or logarithmic function), and then code that function into the Arduino so it can output the actual visibility. If the pattern isn't nice, you will need to find ways to make the reading more accurate and sensible to changes in visibility. Some options for that (that you should consider also in your initial design) are: - Increase the travel length of the laser through the air. - Use a blue laser, as blue light is absorbed quickly in low visibility conditions. - Use a hood with black interior (like the photographic lens hoods) around the sensor to minimize the contribution to ambient light. - Use a luminosity sensor with larger resolutions (12 or 16 bits) - Make sure the laser voltage is stable. - Make sure the laser (and mirror if you use one) have a good and stable alignment. - Make sure readings are not affected by temperature or compensate otherwise. - Get multiple readings and take the median. There is an Arduino Stack Exchange where you can find help if you need help to make the sensors to work or problems with the coding. However, there are tons of online resources and tutorials, so I'm sure you will find answers to all your questions. [1]: https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-uno-rev3 [2]: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoUno [3]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09zfRaLEasY [4]: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Blink [5]: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogReadSerial [6]: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1054 [7]: https://www.adafruit.com/product/161 [8]: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1980 [9]: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-tsl2591