* *注意* *:我第一次发布这个问题到GIS StackOverflow站点,但有人说我的问题会更适合地理或地球科学网站。江南体育网页版GIS似乎完美的地方对我的问题的,但如果是正确的我张贴在这里。我已经问了一个问题(回答)[这][1]寻找位置大半个地球从一个给定的位置,在加州蒙特利提供的例子。东/西位置(同一纬度)Birjand,伊朗。这对我来说是有意义的。但北/南的位置是在一个位置的南极以北,即使它是我提出了一个计算,验证了这是正确的,对我来说没有意义。我的大脑正在崩溃的原因是,因为它似乎在我纯,北极南极将大半个地球,而蒙特利是南部的北极,和位置“约定”大半个地球点从那里(从北/南,同一经度的角度来看)是新西兰之间在南太平洋和南美洲的南端,是南极以北。在我看来,应该到中点“向下”从南极蒙特雷来自北极。我错了吗?如果是这样,和我的逻辑错误是什么? If I'm right, what is the halfway point, then, from Monterey? UPDATE ------ I am obviously not a geographer/cartographer, but this is getting to confusinate/fascifuse me more all the time. Based on Earthworm's answer, the exit point after "drilling through the earth" from Monterey is in the Pacific Ocean as shown with pushpin #2 here (same longitude as Monterey, with the reverse latitude): [![enter image description here][2]][2] However (there's almost always a "however"), based on Andy M's answer and the link he provided, these are the two points (#2 having both a different latitude AND a different longitude than Monterey, but the same longitude as Birjand, Iran): [![enter image description here][3]][3] The first antipodal point (Pacific Ocean) seems slightly more logical to me than the second one (Indian Ocean), but both differ from what my ungeometric brain was expecting before I delved into this, which was a point "south" (actually "negative north," I guess*) of the South Pole, "beyond" Antarctica (if ya know whaddi mean). * As it is impossible to go "south" of the South Pole. UPDATE 2 -------- I posted a substack article tangentially/partially about this [here][4]. [1]: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/395569/calculating-coordinates-for-halfway-around-world-from-given-location [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/oOz5k.png [3]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/yExJa.png [4]: https://ramblingnotesofageezer.substack.com/p/how-to-use-map-o-matic-5-in-a-series