这篇文章可以在这里找到在《地球物理研究快报:风扇,W。McGuire, J·J。,Groot Hedlin, c, D。Hedlin, m·a·H。,外套,S。&菲德勒,j . w . (2019)。* Stormquakes *《地球物理研究快报,46岁。https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL084217 >文摘> >从海洋地震信号检测固体地球相互作用是无所不在地记录在我们的星球。然而,这些波场通常语无伦次在时域限制它们的利用率对于理解海洋动力学或固体地球属性。相比之下,我们发现在大型风暴如飓风和不发生交互的长时期海浪与浅大陆架的边缘附近的海底特性,被称为海洋银行,激发相干横贯大陆的瑞利波包在20到50年代时期乐队。这些“stormquakes”迁移重合的风暴,但实际上是时空聚焦地震点源与等效地震震级大于3.5。Stormquakes从而提供新的相干源调查地球结构位置,通常缺乏地震仪器和地震。此外,他们提供了一个新的地球物理观测高空间和时间分辨率研究海浪动力学在大风暴。 > >Plain Language Summary > >Large storms such as hurricanes and Nor’easters generate strong long‐period ocean waves, which can interact with shallow seafloor features located near the edge of continental shelves known as ocean banks. Such interactions produce seismic sources with equivalent earthquake magnitudes that can be greater than 3.5. These seismic sources are termed “stormquakes”, and they can excite coherent seismic wave fields that are well recorded across the North American continent. Stormquake is a newly identified geophysical phenomenon, which involves interactions of atmosphere, ocean, and the solid Earth. Therefore, stormquakes can provide useful information to investigate the Earth structure and ocean wave dynamics. At the moment the link there to the PDF works and is not paywalled.