NPR新闻文章[种植玉米是空气污染的主要原因,研究发现)(谈到所有污染源与种植玉米,并指出应用氨土壤作为一个惊人的污染方面。文章说,逃土壤的氨释放到大气中最终导致PM2.5的生产和污染的主要来源是有害的。在本质上它链接到新的paywalled纸与空气质量有关的健康损害的玉米( - 019 - 0261 - y)。* *问题:* *是什么痕迹的化学或物理过程的氨气在空气中会导致PM2.5生产?从文章:>研究估计,“4300人过早死亡可以归因于玉米生产,”希尔说。“这是大约四分之一的空气污染引起的农业死亡。这是重要的。”>The vast majority, 86 percent, of PM2.5 emissions happen on farms, with the rest occurring elsewhere in the supply chain, according to the study. The main culprit? >Fertilizer application. >"Ammonia from fertilizer application accounted for about 70 percent of attributable deaths," says Hill. The nitrogen in fertilizers helps fuel plant growth, but not all of it can be used by the plant. "Some of that nitrogen washes into waterways, and some of it gets released into the atmosphere as ammonia," says Hill. >Once ammonia hits the atmosphere, it reacts with other particles, mostly nitrogen and sulfur oxides, to form PM2.5, according to Hill. ---- From the question in Biology SE [Why do soil bacteria produce nitrous oxide as a result of anhydrous ammonia fertilizer application?]( >**below:** *Anhydrous ammonia tanks in a newly planted wheat field. Walmart has promised big cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases. To meet that goal, though, the giant retailer may have to persuade farmers to use less fertilizer. It won't be easy.* TheBusman/Getty Images. From [here][1]. [![enter image description here][2]][2] [1]: [2]: