tl,博士:低反照率=变暖(更多的能量吸收);高反照率=冷却(更多的能量反射)。原则上,非常简化,(太阳能)[1]温暖地面和空气。地面上方的空气是那么温暖,导致对流,压力差异,等等。所以,高反射率的气氛将会(防止阳光)[2]从到达地面,冷却效果。同样,高反射率地面反射更多的阳光,空气变暖。这就是为什么冰川或极冰帽有一个反馈影响冷却。此外,波长反映在云可以帮助冷却面积,而且陷阱温暖辐射时从地面移动。这取决于事态的发展。低反照率的气氛会让更多的阳光。 In conjunction with a low albedo ground it has a warming effect. Again a potential feedback when ice starts to melt and exposes more ground, leading to more warming, etc. An open sky will allow warming of the ground by day, but also partly cools back to space by night (continental or desert climate). Greenhouse gases are those that reflect this emitted radiation back instead of letting it escape into space. Highly populated areas can have a "[heat island effect][3]", because of the low albedo of asphalt and concrete and the lack of plants and foliage to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis and [evaporate][4] ground water and thus cool. That (highly controversial and IMO only driven by economic interest) geoengineering thing is about raising the albedo of the stratosphere in order to reflect more sunlight before it reaches the ground. Its adverse effects on [ocean acidification][5] and damage to [marine life][6] and terrestrial plants and animals ("acid rain") and unresolved side effects could outweigh the potential benefits. But that is a discussion on its own, IMO. Hope that helps. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: