>什么是阻止人构建一个高压,高温系统和倾销石墨,使数以百万计的钻石吗?> >什么是采用HPHT阻止别人做这些机器和赚钱吗?没有人,就完成了。首先,人造钻石已经在很长一段时间的市场,这是一个良好的业务。你听说过钻石锯,金刚石钻头,金刚石抛光膏和其他各种金刚石产品。所以人们让他们,卖,赚钱。甚至不是那么难:在我们的实验室有一台机器能让钻石(采用HPHT等)的东西。甚至有人曾把一些花生酱和钻石(微米大小的,尽管)。最大的问题是你如何做宝石钻石质量。化学蒸汽沉积似乎是最成功的方法。 There are other methods, but it's pretty easy to distinguish them from natural diamonds ([example][1]). It is still quite hard to do it: it's not something anyone can just do in their backyard. With technology it becomes easier though. Here comes the question of regulation. I know there's one company that engraves a serial number using laser on each synthetic gem-quality diamond they make. But what about some evil diamond makers who want to simulate natural stones? As with any other synthetic material, there are imperfections that are different from imperfections found in natural stones. Moreover, each mine or region where diamonds come from has a different fingerprint (they use that to trace blood diamonds). There are methods to analyse the diamonds to detect this. UV and IR spectroscopy, laser ablation, isotope analysis, cathodoluminescence and others. Some are easier and cheaper than others. So you can't just make up impurities to say "look it's natural", they have to be consistent with a specific diamond source you're trying to imitate. And that's - not very easy. Likely impossible with today's technology. [1]: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrey_Katrusha2/publication/274736406_Colorless_HPHT-Grown_Gem_Diamonds_from_New_Diamond_Technology/links/55296c570cf2e089a3a7d393.pdf