@Gimelist的回答是一个很好的提示我们将看到列表,虽然并不是所有人都同样令人信服或强大,我们至少希望看到一些迹象。地球上任何考古迹象的问题当然是,地球表面5500万年来已经改变了不少。例如,一些海岸线的时间(你希望大城市)现在折叠在阿尔卑斯山脉,喜马拉雅山脉和其他山脉或躺在格陵兰岛和南极洲的冰盖下,还有一般被时间侵蚀和沉积。我们可能不能够找到他们深埋,或者他们已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。所以我想添加一些完全不同:我们可能会看到一些文物在月球上。当然这将假定文明发达的近地太空飞行,但我不认为这是一个假设的假设你正在寻找一个工业文明。月球上几乎没有侵蚀,甚至项目从5500万年前将仍然存在。现在我们有[月球表面地图的分辨率大约100米][1]。这将远远不足以发现阿波罗兰德斯的机会,但我们现在的文明不是远离在月球上留下更大的结构,因此在我看来是一个大概率前工业文明就会离开受伤的拇指伸出像在月球地图,我们已经有了。计划建立(月球网关站)[2],在月球轨道空间站,这十年年底。 While that's still not large enough to be found on current maps, you can easily expect a larger station only a few decades away. A station the size of the ISS from 55 million years ago would either still be orbiting the moon or (ore likely) have crashed into it by now, but in either case we should've found the debris. We will probably also build structures on the moon itself in just a few decades, whether research stations on the scale of the Antarctic stations or perhaps some exploratory mining for trace metals (whether that's ever economically viable is a different matter). The point is that Earth's surface has changed so much that likely only very large structures (like megacities) can still be found, but may be deformed so much that we don't recognise them, while on the Moon even comparatively small structures of just a few hundred metres (or much less in some places) would still be very obvious. [1]: https://moon.nasa.gov/resources/87/high-resolution-topographic-map-of-the-moon/ [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Gateway