这不是一个完整的答案,但提供见解的研究问题你提出的一些观点。有文档最近写过这个,(控制飓风飓风和其他严重的热带风暴可以主持或偏离?][1](霍夫曼,2004)。,有几个主要因素,一个主要的考虑与你的问题是,研究表明,能量的变化可能会改变飓风的路径。本文研究报告>证实,这些巨大的,混沌系统易受轻微改变他们最初的条件(例如,附近的空气温度和湿度风暴的中心和周边地区利用计算机来模拟飓风,他们证实>改变降水、蒸发和空气温度可以改变一场风暴的路径或削弱其风。尽管提出你的建议,关于微波加热的空气或水,这种力量将利用基于卫星的太阳能电池板,似乎并不是最主要的模拟方法的添加能量飓风本身——而是*抢劫的飓风能源*,例子包括云种散播与碘化银建议或类似的材料,这将促进降水,将抢劫的眼墙>水需要成长和加强另一种方法,而独特的是使用生物降解油在水的表面,特别是>可生物降解石油可以分布在海面飓风路径的限制evaporation-the风暴的能源由斯坦福大学的一项研究中,本文报道[海上风力发电场可以驯服飓风登陆前,Stanford-led研究表明][3](凯里,2014),建议通过计算机模拟>”我们发现当风力涡轮机都在场,他们会减缓外部飓风旋转的风,”雅各布森说。“这反馈减少波高,减少了运动的空气对飓风的中心,中央的压力增加,进而减缓整个飓风的风和消散的更快。”The data indicated that > In the computer model, by the time Hurricane Katrina reached land, its simulated wind speeds had decreased by 36-44 meters per second (between 80 and 98 mph) and the storm surge had decreased by up to 79 percent. > For Hurricane Sandy, the model projected a wind speed reduction by > 35-39 meters per second (between 78 and 87 mph) and as much as 34 > percent decrease in storm surge. In terms of using a nuclear detonation to stop or divert a hurricane, the author of the article [Can You Stop a Hurricane by Nuking It?][2] (2012) describes the potential effectiveness of this method > might be about as effective as trying to stop a speeding Buick with a feather. mainly due to as you said in your question: > the same amount of energy released by exploding a 10-megaton nuclear bomb every 20 minutes. A nuke on water nearby may make the hurricane worse, by heating the water, thus 'feeding' the hurricane. [1]: http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/students/courselinks/spring08/atmo336s2/articles/Hurricanes_control_SciAm_Oct2004.pdf [2]: http://www.livescience.com/24383-can-you-stop-a-hurricane-by-nuking-it.html [3]: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/february/hurricane-winds-turbine-022614.html