偶尔,我和我的相机和三脚架,捕捉积雨云的距离。有时我担心当我听到雷声,我可能被闪电击中。我见过几个“螺栓湛蓝的天空”,它让我想起了危险(虽然可能是小概率)。[![在这里输入图像描述][1]][1]摄影©杰夫英里的一个很好的例子,请等待闪电积雨云砧——我听说你甚至可以达到数百公里外(但非常可能)。此外,雷暴期间我知道它是非常危险的与金属或水保持联系。这就是为什么我从不出去(或打开的窗口)当我拍照的闪电从我的公寓。但是…我见过几个神奇捕获的闪电风暴追逐者。为什么他们是如此接近闪电,但不要了吗? Is there any trick or are they simply risking their lives? [![enter image description here][2]][2] I've considered how lightning strikes, and drew this image. In this situation it seems that there are three possible targets. I drew a radius around each object because it my intuition suggests it would work like this. If so, then the building on top of the hill has the highest probability of being struck. If the lightning bolt hits the object closest to its path, could we completely protect ourselves from being struck by staying RELATIVELY close to some much taller objects, so that they would cover the sky around us with their large radius? I would like to stay in safe, but take some beautiful photos of lightning too. I know everyone says that "during lightning storms you should never stand under trees". But if located right, can you actually be protected from danger like this? Or what practices are truly the best way to stay safe while photographing lightning storms? [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Koac9.jpg [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Six36.png